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Brownfield site acquisition

Our approach

Just as the management of industrial or mining brownfield and legacy sites is a team effort, so is their acquisition for regeneration. Indeed, the same themes are present: project management, identifying the strategy, legal, environmental, urban development, financial profitability, respect for local strategy (PCAET, PLUi, climate law and resilience, etc.) and finally in close partnership with local authorities and authorities.

All of our buyout projects are carried out, beyond the seller/buyer relationship, via upstream discussions with local authorities, which are sustainable and stable.

In addition, BCENV’s selection of partners in these buyouts is specific to the site in question and its political, legal, human and economic ecosystem. In other words, each brownfield site is different and requires a clear roadmap so that everyone can understand the strategy that will lead to the success of the project.

Possible redevelopments

Depending on the possibilities on each site, which depend on financial profitability, urban planning, local development strategy and many other factors, BCENV partners with high-standing and recognised partners who have a local presence wherever possible.

Without being exhaustive, the following uses for brownfield sites might be foreseeing: housing, shops, malls, logistics, ground or roof-mounted solar farms, hydroelectric power stations, agriculture (e.g. hydroponic), hotels, recreational areas. It is possible and often more profitable to combine some of these options.  

Our references

Some examples below demonstrate the variety of buy-out opportunities as well as the diversity of site typology and therefore the diversity of partners. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss opportunities on your current or future brownfield site.

Former dairy (50)

The project has started since the cessation of activity and will go on to develop housing and shops. Located in the middle of the city, the complexity is related to the change of the PLU, to ensure profitability and finally to fit in with the needs of the territory.

Former service station (01)

Surrounded by streams, in the historic heritage area of the town, with a PLUi in preparation, our challenge is to clean up a complex hydraulic environment, to renovate in collaboration with the ABF and finally to ensure redevelopment in accordance with the local strategy for soft mobility.

Former industrial site (confidential)

With an ambitious and innovative project on a large industrial brownfield land, our objective is to rejuvenate a negatively affected employment area while perpetuating the installation of various solutions on this iconic site.